1. For straight fitting end to straight flange hose assembly types the length "L" is to be measured
between straight fitting end along a straight line parallel to hose, with hose laid out horizontally and
straight, to front of straight flange.
2. For straight fitting end to 45° flange hose types the length "L" is to be measured between straight
fitting end along a straight line parallel to hose, with hose laid out horizontally and straight, to front
edge of 45° flange.
3. For straight fitting end to 90° flange hose types the length "L" is to be measured between straight
fitting end along a straight line parallel to hose, with hose laid out horizontally and straight, to the
center line of the 90° flange.
4. For 90° fitting end to 90° flange hose assembly types the length "L" is to be measured between
center line of 90° fitting end along a straight line parallel to hose, with hose laid out horizontally and
straight, to the center line of the 90° flange.
FIGURE 2. Hose assembly dimensions - Continued.
Angular displacement. Angular displacement shall be as shown on figure 3.
1. Angular displacement for hose assemblies with elbow fittings on both ends shall have the
angular displacement between elbows, measured counter-clockwise from the centerline of the
nearest fitting, positioned at six-o' clock, to the centerline of the other fitting (see SAE-J517).
2. The near end of the connector shall be put in numerical order relative to the far end (see table I).
Example: Near end adapter 45°, far end 90°.
3. Angular displacement shall be measured in degrees with a tolerance of ± 3° for lengths up to 2
feet (61 cm) and ± 5° for all lengths over 2 feet (61 cm).
4. The angular displacement shall be expressed in two digits number of degrees divided by 5,
example 50°/5 = 10.
5. Making the angular determination in the wrong direction will result in an unacceptable part.
FIGURE 3. Elbow fitting angular alignment.
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