for a total of 10 times between each pressure application and with the samples still in the -
67º±2ºF (-55°C ±1.1°C) cold chamber.
k. The pressure shall be held for an additional 5 minute period. During this time effused gas shall
be collected from the test sample which includes the juncture of the hose to the fitting, but not
including the fitting nut. If after the 5 minute period of pressurization, the average rate of
effusion through the hose assembly exceeds the values listed in table V, it shall be cause for
l. At the completion of the tests specified in 4.5.11 (b) through (j), the hose assemblies shall be
filled with oil and placed in a cold chamber for 8 hours while maintained at -67°F ± 2°F (-55°C
m. After the 8 hour cold soak, the assemblies shall be subjected to a pressure equal to the
operating pressure specified in table III. The pressure shall be held for a minimum of 5 minutes
between each pressure application and with the samples still in the -67°F ±2°F (-55°C ±1.1°C)
cold chamber.
n. At the end of this time oil at a temperature of 450°F ±10°F (232°F ±5.5°C) shall be circulated
through the hose assemblies.
o. Within 15 seconds after introduction of the hot oil, the pressure shall be increased to the rated
proof pressure specified in table III and held for 2 minutes. There shall be no evidence of
leakage from the hose.
4.5.12 Corrosion (see 3.6.12). Hose assemblies when subjected to corrosion testing shall meet the
requirements of 3.6.12, the following details shall apply:
a. Samples, mounted in a vertical position and subjected to the applicable operating pressure (see table
III), shall be immersed in a 2.5% solution of sodium chloride for five minutes.
b. They shall then be air-dried at 140°F ±10°F (60°C ±5.5°C) for 25 minutes.
c. This cycling shall continue for at least 172 hours with the specified pressure maintained on the hose.
d. Following the cycling, half of the samples shall be subjected to the room temperature burst pressure
test (see 4.5.4) and the other half shall be subjected to the high temperature burst pressure test (see
4.5.13 Over-tightening torque (see 3.6.13). Hose assembles when subjected to over-tightening torque in
accordance with SAE-ARP908 shall meet the requirements of 3.6.13. The following exception shall apply: The
number of cycles used shall be 15.
4.5.14 Elongation and contraction (see 3.6.14). Hose assembles when subjected to elongation and
contraction testing in accordance with SAE-AS2078 shall meet the requirements of 3.6.14. The test fluid used
shall be water or fluid in accordance with MIL-PRF-5606, MIL-PRF-83282, or MIL-PRF-87257.
4.5.15 Volumetric expansion sizes 4 and 5 only (see 3.6.15). Hose assembles when subjected to volumetric
expansion be in accordance with SAE-AS2078 shall meet the requirements of 3.6.15. The following exception
shall apply: the operating pressure used shall be 1000 psi (7 Mpa).
4.5.16 Low temperature flexibility (see 3.6.16). Hose assembles when subjected to low temperature
flexibility testing in accordance with SAE-AS2078 shall meet the requirements of 3.6.16, the following exception
shall apply: Samples, of length shall be as specified in table III.
4.5.17 Vacuum (see 3.6.17). Hose assembles when subjected to vacuum testing in accordance with
SAE-AS2078 shall meet the requirements of 3.6.17. The following details shall apply:
a. Samples that were tested for low temperature flexibility (see 4.5.16) shall then be subjected to
vacuum testing in accordance with SAE-AS2078.
b. The applicable negative pressure used shall be as specified in table VIII and ball diameters shall be
as specified in SAE-AS1946.
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